Building the Docs#

This document describes how to build the Ivy docs. If you want to know more about how our custom building pipeline work, check our Building the Docs Pipeline deep dive


Be aware that the doc-builder was developed originally for Linux, although, in theory, you can run it on any platform (supporting either docker or windows), it’s only tested it on Linux. If you find any windows related issues, feel free to open an issue for that to review it.


Recommendation: You can use the convenience script if you build the docs regularly, as it will not re-download the dependencies.

If you have a slow internet connection, you can use GitHub Codespaces since it will help you to build the docs faster since our script downloads large dependency files.

Building the Docs using Docker#

Using convenience script#

The easiest way to build the docs is to use the docs/ script.

cd docs

This script will build the docs for Ivy and store it in docs/build.

Using existing image on Docker Hub#

You can also use the unifyai/doc-builder image hosted on Docker Hub to build the docs.

Run docker run to build the docs. The following command will build the docs for the project in the current directory and output them to docs/build.

cd <ivy directory>
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/project unifyai/doc-builder

This command will mount the module directory to /project in the container, the current directory should be the root of ivy.

Building the image locally#

You can also build the image locally. You will first need to clone the doc-builder repository.

Run this command if you are using HTTPS:

git clone

Or this command if you are using SSH:

git clone

Then, run the following command to build the image:

cd doc-builder
docker build -t unifyai/doc-builder .

Building the Docs without Docker#

You can also build the docs without Docker. You will first need to clone the unifyai/doc-builder repository. Then use the convenience script

Run this command if you are using HTTPS:

git clone

Or this command if you are using SSH:

git clone

Then, run the following command to build the docs:

cd doc-builder
./ <ivy directory>

The script will install the required dependencies for sphinx which is used to build the docs, as well as dependencies required by Ivy. Then it will build the docs for Ivy and store it in docs/build.